At Momentum Financial, we provide three main types of portfolios according to your risk tolerance. The three types are classified as:
Every portfolio will consist of investments in rental properties and/or real estate. It will also have shares in profit based ETFs as well as stocks. The selected stocks will be in the market of energy, technology, mining, and/or services. The portfolios will differ in the percentages of each type of investment based on the portfolio classifications as mentioned above.
Low risk investments will consist around 80 to 90% in real estate properties or profit based ETFs. The remaining portion may be invested into Tax-Qualified stocks. Low risk investments will receive the highest dividends either monthly or quarterly.
Medium risk investments will consist around 70 to 80% in real estate properties or profit based ETFs. The remaining portion may be invested into Tax-Qualified stocks and/or Tax-Qualified penny stocks. A maximum of 5% will be invested into Tax-Qualified penny stocks. Medium risk investments will receive dividends quarterly or semi-annually.
High risk investments will consist around 60 to 70% in real estate properties or profit based ETFs. The remaining portion may be invested into Tax-Qualified stocks and/or Tax-Qualified penny stocks. A maximum of 10% will be invested into Tax-Qualified penny stocks. High risk investments over 5000 CAD will receive a yearly dividend.
*Investment percentage figures are approximate
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