Foreign Exchange: 40 - 50%
Stocks: 40 - 50%
Penny Stocks: Maximum 10%
Stock and ETFs type: common shares
Real Estate / ETFs: 70 - 80%
Stocks /Foreign Exchange: 20 - 30%
Penny Stocks: Maximum 5%
Stock and ETFs type: common shares
Real Estate / ETFs: 80 - 90%
Stocks: 10 - 20%
Penny Stocks:/Foreign Exchange: 5%
Stock and ETFs type: common shares
Our Medium and Low Risk portfolios have a minimum of 60% invested into real estate and profit based ETF dividends. This allows us to ensure a safer investment method through most periods of the economic cycle. The earnings from such investments may come from an increase in property value in which the equities will be paid as dividends. The earnings may also come from interest free leasing. Real Estate investments are highly secured with very little volatility, and therefore it is the main investment that will provide a balance with stocks and foreign exchange investments.
Stock investments are used to balance between a low profit low volatility earning and a high profit high volatility earning. None of our portfolios exceed 50% investments in stocks. A very few stocks are picked and thoroughly analyzed by our experts and then invested into. Most of these stocks are in the industry of energy, farming, mining, gold, and technology.
Penny stocks are the most volatile of investments and therefore the low risk portfolios do not have any shares in them. The maximum investment in penny stocks would be 10% from the high risk portfolios, These, just like any other stocks are thoroughly analyzed, however, they are traded short term. It can be traded anywhere between a day to possibly a few weeks; on average around 4 weeks.
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